NaNoWriMo and Priorities

Happy November!

If you’re like me, you weren’t sure you were going to make it this far, but here we are.

Last week, I promised to tell you what’s up so here’s the biz:

For the first time in a while, not a lot is up. Things have slowed down with my marketing business so I can have a better balance of work and play in light of my new job.

Since my schedule has been so jam-packed with work for the last two months, I haven’t really had the time to invest in the relationships I need to or even take in what’s been going on in my life.

In light of some recent circumstances and big changes, I would like to reorient myself and sort through some things with God.

Something that’s also been pushed to the back of the closet is my novel. Last month, I was so convicted that if I am really called to be writing this book, then I better sit my butt down for more than five seconds and finish the thing. I am excited to get back to the novel and have been starting to think through next steps. It’s exciting and a little frightening and I am ready for the adventure.

As such, I’m taking this month to connect with some close friends, take a couple trips, read, think, pray and write like it’s goin’ out of style. With these things being a priority, I am not going to be blogging for the month of November.

I’m not a NaNoWriMo person. I’m not crazy. But I would like to participate in the festivities by taking time this month to invest in my art.

People and art. Those are two of my favorite things in life and I am thrilled to be involved with them both once again.

I already have some great things in mind for December, so please check in again at that point.

Have a wonderful November!

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo and Priorities

  1. Loved this catch up post! Glad you're getting a bit of a reprieve, and you've certainly inspired me with your thoughts on NaMoWriMo! I've never been a NaMo person, but I do need something to keep me motivated in the scribbling. 😦 Truly, have fun kicking your own butt into writing. You're so good at it!


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